social inclusion



IN-HABIT is an Horizon 2020 project led by the University of Cordoba. The overall objective of IN-HABIT is to foster Inclusive Health and Wellbeing in peripheral small and medium size cities by means of mobilizing resources around a core topic and galvanize them through solutions that integrate cultural, digital, nature-based and social innovations applied to the co-design, co-development and co-management of urban public spaces. Tesserae has a core role in the project, leading WP5 dedicated to the engagement of citizens and stakeholders all along the five years project. We are in charge of delivering a methodological toolkit for civic engagement (Stakeholders Engagement with Gender and Diversity perspective Toolkit), training the local community activators of the four cities and supporting their PPPPs, steering the co-production of four Inclusive Transition Pathways, and finally reporting and disseminating the experience.

Grafting – UPPER policy conference on Nature Based Solutions

Grafting – UPPER policy conference on Nature Based Solutions

In italiano in fondo Conference on Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Urban Policy and Social Inclusion The ‘Innesti’ (Grafting) conference will take place from 24-25 September 2021 in Latina (Italy) and online, and will focus on nature-based solutions as an opportunity for sustainable urban policy and social inclusion. The event will be the third policy conference co-organised […]

IN-HABIT Glossary

IN-HABIT Glossary

As part of our engagement in the Horizon 2020 funded Inclusive Health and Well-being in Small and Medium Sized Cities (IN-HABIT) project, we recently completed the delivery of the IN-HABIT Glossary. This glossary is the first section of the toolkit for stakeholder engagement with gender, diversity, equity and inclusion being developed by the project, which will be used […]

New Key Publication on European Migration and Refugee Integration

New Key Publication on European Migration and Refugee Integration

Launched today, the first publication of From Sea to the City, a consortium of which Tesserae is proud to be part, details key recommendations and best practices in the field of European migration and refugee integration into EU cities and civil society. Together with the new publication, we are also pleased to announce the upcoming ‘Conference of Cities’ […]



Hohenschönhausen is a district part of the borough of Lichtenberg. During the separation of the city, this borough of East Berlin was part of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Tesserae has developed participatory workshops with local residents on topics related to issues of a memory culture being documented by residents of the district themselves, promoting activities of community storytelling.

COMENSI  Digital atlases for community engagement

COMENSI  Digital atlases for community engagement

Final multiplier event 10 December 2020, 3pm In December 2020 the COMENSI project comes to a closure. Community Engagement for Social Inclusion is an EU funded Erasmus+ project aimed at developing more effective methodologies of inclusion and activation of citizens at risk of exclusion. COMENSI  developed and tested  accessible tools and methods for communication, networking […]

COMENSI final events

COMENSI final events

Deutsch weiter unten In December 2020 the COMENSI project comes to a closure. Community Engagement for Social Inclusion is an EU funded Erasmus+ project aimed at developing more effective methodologies of inclusion and activation of citizens at risk of exclusion. COMENSI  developed and tested  accessible tools and methods for communication, networking and organising to improve […]

No one left behind

No one left behind

Friday June 26 the second  event of the series “Cities engaging in the right to housing” took place. The web conference  No one left behind  organised by by Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT was facilitated by Laura Colini. The conference offered a preview of the 2020 Report on Housing Exclusion in Europe, co-written by FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre, […]