The conference CHALLENGING (SOCIAL) HOUSING IN EUROPE launches a series of events aiming to analyse and discuss various case studies of social housing in European countries and cities.
The conference CHALLENGING (SOCIAL) HOUSING IN EUROPE launches a series of events aiming to analyse and discuss various case studies of social housing in European countries and cities.
In June, the Fundaciòn Hogares welcomed our Senior Researcher Lorenzo Tripodi to contribute to the launch of a participatory process for a new post-hurricane recovery and resilience plan for the Alto Progreso and Coloso districts in Acapulco, Mexico.
In Italia, la casa è riconosciuta pubblicamente come un problema e lo è sempre più per un numero crescente di individui che vivono la mancanza di alloggio o la difficoltà di mantenere un affitto con costi di raffreddamento e riscaldamento non piú pagabili se non con indebitamento. I mesi del 2023-2024 hanno visto una crescente […]
Per Housing che possa definirsi “sociale” si possono considerare tutte quelle forme di alloggio che riconoscono la casa come un diritto, inclusivo, sicuro, dignitoso accessibile economicamente, tale da non alimentare meccanismi di mercificazione e speculazione che pongono il profitto economico dinanzi al beneficio sociale.
On September 23rd, 2023 Laura participated to the conference Abitare, una questione politica organised by Fondazione Michelucci in Fiesole in the context of the Festival della Nuova Città.
Las Palmeras is a residential neighborhood on the periphery of Córdoba, Andalusia, built in the 1980s and 90s. Recognized as the fourth most deprived neighborhood in Spain, Las Palmeras has struggled over 50 years with high levels of socioeconomic disadvantage.
A GLIMPSE into the EUROPE HOUSING FORUM – Habitat for Humanity International From the 16th to the 19th of November, Habitat for Humanity International organized the Europe Housing Forum, aimed at virtually bringing together experts in the housing sector to learn, debate and share insights on housing as a driver for sustainability and economic growth. […]
Recruited as ad hoc expert for the URBACT Civic E-State project, Tesserae senior researcher Lorenzo Tripodi was commissioned to lead a study on the practices of community-led self construction and renovation of buildings (“autorecupero and autocostruzione” ), as practiced in recent decades in Italy. The consequent report presenting the results of this study is published here.
Want to warm your brain on ending homelessness solutions? Want to knit yourself more knowledge and skills? Be inspired for your next steps to end homelessness! Check the opportunity to learn and act against homelessness from international experts during the ROOF winter school that will happen on 3, 4 and 5 March 2021 with the participation […]
On September 7th our Senior Researcher Laura Colini, together with Yuri Kazepov, AbdouMaliq Simone and Celine d’Cruz participated to the online panel Climate Change and Social Housing organised by Iba Research Lab. The panel concentrated on bottom-up planning processes and self-organisation in climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, discussing the way inhabitants are involved, resources are shared and […]