ROOF Winter school

Winter school ROOF

Want to warm your brain on ending homelessness solutions?
Want to knit yourself more knowledge and skills?
Be inspired for your next steps to end homelessness!

Check the opportunity to learn and act against homelessness from  international experts during the ROOF winter school that will happen on 3, 4 and 5 March 2021 with the participation our senior researcher Laura Colini.

You can learn about:

•Basics on Housing First
•The road towards Housing First/led
•Different support models
•Working together with organisations and stakeholders
•Data collection and use

Throughout the school you also get a chance to exchange with other participants, give feedback and network through dedicated sessions. All classes are in English with interpretation into Flemish, French, Polish, Portuguese and Romanian also available.

The Winter School is organised by the Urbact network ROOF and is hosted by the heartwarming city of Braga, Portugal.

ROOF is an URBACT Action Planning Network on ending homelessness through housing solutions. We are a network of 9 European cities (Braga, Thessaloniki, Toulouse Métropole, Ghent, Liège, Poznan, Timișoara, Odense, Glasgow). We exchange information on making the shift towards Housing First/Led and on data collection. Each city also develops a local integrated action plan with all its stakeholders.

Our senior researcher and URBACT expert Laura Colini is presenting on day one (3 March 2021) of the winter school.

Check the program here.

24 Feb , 2021 - Category:

education · housing · roof network · social housing

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