
ZUKUNFT am Ostkreuz – Bike Demo

ZUKUNFT am Ostkreuz – Bike Demo

  Fahrradkorso zu Pandion, International Campus und Trockland! Next Friday March 11th there will be a ‘bike demo’ against gentrification in Berlin’s Ostkreuz district, visiting some of the most critical sites of property speculation in Berlin along the way.  The itinerary will connect real estate companies that have gentrified the neighbourhood to the extreme and have given the starting signal for […]

Solidarity to the Wem Gehört Der Laskerkiez? campaign

Solidarity to the Wem Gehört Der Laskerkiez? campaign

Tesserae stands in solidarity and strongly supports the WemGehörtDerLaskerkiez? (Who owns Laskerkiez?) initiative and its campaign for the preservation of the Laskerkiez neighbourhood and the Zukunft am Ostkreuz cultural centre. Laskerkiez is a lively and colourful neighbourhood located in Berlin Friedrichshain between Ostkreuz and the Spree and is home to several important solidarity and self-governing organisations, including […]

New Community Project in Berlin Hohenschönhausen

New Community Project in Berlin Hohenschönhausen

Our new project in the Berlin district of Hohenschönhausen “Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen: Aus Erinnerungen Zukunft bauen” (Show me your Hohenschönhausen: Building a future from past memories) has been awarded funding and we are looking forward to starting it this spring! During our community history project in Hohenschönhausen last year we noticed the significant impact of the GDR’s […]



Hohenschönhausen is a district part of the borough of Lichtenberg. During the separation of the city, this borough of East Berlin was part of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Tesserae has developed participatory workshops with local residents on topics related to issues of a memory culture being documented by residents of the district themselves, promoting activities of community storytelling.

Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen! 2nd Workshop

Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen! 2nd Workshop

2nd Workshop of our project “Erinnerung im Wandel – Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen! On Friday 13th November, due to the current situation and the restrictions imposed in Germany, we were forced to hold our second workshop online. We therefore had to adapt the structure of the workshop and familiarise ourselves with the IT tools. Previously […]

Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen! 1st Workshop

Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen! 1st Workshop

1st Workshop of our project “Erinnerung im Wandel – Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen! On Friday 23rd October, the first workshop of our project “Erinnerung im Wandel – Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen” took place at the Kunsthaus 360° in Hohenschönhausen. A dozen participants were present for this first meeting. After exchanges in order to get to […]

Erinnerung im Wandel – Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen!

Erinnerung im Wandel – Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen!

*english version below WAS? Am 23. Oktober findet der erste Workshop unseres Projektes “Erinnerungen im Wandel – Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen!“ statt. Ziel des Projektes ist es, Orte, Denkmäler, Gebäude und andere Objekte, die für die Bewohner*innen wichtig sind, hervorzuheben und zu schauen, wie diese mit Erinnerungen von Hohenschönhausen verbunden sind. Wir wollen gemeinsam schauen, […]