New Community Project in Berlin Hohenschönhausen


Our new project in the Berlin district of Hohenschönhausen “Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen: Aus Erinnerungen Zukunft bauen” (Show me your Hohenschönhausen: Building a future from past memories) has been awarded funding and we are looking forward to starting it this spring!

During our community history project in Hohenschönhausen last year we noticed the significant impact of the GDR’s past on the district – characterized by the destruction and disappearance of key spaces and their resulting transformation and regeneration. Our aim in this follow-up project is to expand and work with a broader public, including  local residents from diverse immigrant backgrounds, to explore perspectives on these interconnected histories and envision possible futures.

The project’s funding was awarded by the German government’s Partnerships for Democracy program, which aims to promote diverse, respectful and non-violent coexistence, and will be run with support from the Licht-Blicke exchange network.

Further information will be available on our website very soon!

11 Mar , 2021 - Category:

Berlin · community · heritage · migration

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