
UPPER Latina – Second Co-Design lab

UPPER Latina – Second Co-Design lab

The second co-design laboratory within the UIA project UPPER focused on the green area of ​​via Roccagorga, adjacent to the market area. The appointment took place on February 21 at the Ettore Majorana high-school, preceded by an inspection with the citizens of the area affected by the project. The co-design process that accompanies the regeneration of the […]

Engagement Stories: the Neighbourhood Atlas of Südliche Friedrichstadt

Engagement Stories: the Neighbourhood Atlas of Südliche Friedrichstadt

With the fourth public meeting that took place on Thursday 18 February at Feldfünf im Metropolenhaus we closed the first phase of the Mehringplatz Anknipsen lab. After the previous meetings done at the Kiezstübe (Delimitations, places)  and at the Amerika Gedenkbibliothek (memories), the topic proposed this time to the group of participants was “transformations”: how has the neighbourhood changed through […]

Transformationen – Nachbarschaftsatlas im Feldfünf

Transformationen – Nachbarschaftsatlas im Feldfünf

(English below) Das nächste öffentliche Treffen der Mehringplatz Anknipsen II-Laboratorien findet am Dienstag, 18. Februar um 17.30 Uhr im feldfünf statt. Wir werden uns dort dem Thema Transformationen in der Südlichen Friedrichstadt widmen: Wie hat sich das Gebiet baulich / räumlich verändert? Und wie wirkt sich dies auf das soziokulturelle Leben vor Ort aus? Diese […]

UIA and URBACT joint initiative for the right to housing

UIA and URBACT joint initiative for the right to housing

On 30-31 January we were in Porto for the EU Cities Forum 2020, where Laura Colini  coordinated  the launch a new URBACT and UIA joint initiative on implementing the right to housing across urban areas in Europe.  Throughout 2020, URBACT and UIA’s initiative will provide a platform for city administrations, civil society, research and practitioners to debate and exchange […]

Neighbourhood Atlas at Gedenkbibliothek

Neighbourhood Atlas at Gedenkbibliothek

(English below) Das nächste öffentliche Treffen der Mehringplatz-Anknipsen II-Laboratorien wird am Sonntag, 19. Januar in der Amerika-Gedenk-Bibliothek stattfinden. Nach unserem letzten Treffen in der Kiezstube ist nun die Amerika-Gedenk-Bibliothek der nächste Stopp der Laboratorien, die wechselnd an verschiedenen Gemeinschaftsorten der Südlichen Friedrichstadt stattfinden. Am 19. Januar werden wir unseren digitalen Nachbarschaftsatlas präsentieren und gemeinsam diskutieren, […]

UPPER Kick-off in Latina

UPPER Kick-off in Latina

Friday December 13th  the UIA project UPPER was presented to the citizenship at the Palazzo Comunale of Latina. The day included a panel with the participation of other Italian cities that have won an UA grant in the fourth call, and the first laboratory facilitated by Tesserae to engage local stakeholders in the co-design process of […]

Mehringplatz Anknipsen 2 – Nachbarschaftsatlas

Mehringplatz Anknipsen 2 – Nachbarschaftsatlas

(English below)  Digitaler Nachbarschaftsatlas der Südlichen Friedrichstadt – Workshopreihe Mehringplatz Anknipsen II – Du bist Bewohner*in der Südlichen Friedrichstadt / der Gegend um den Mehringplatz? Und du möchtest dich mehr mit lokalen Themen zur Nachbarschaft auseinandersetzen? Vielleicht bist du schon aktiv oder willst es werden… – dann werde Teil der Workshopreihe “Mehringplatz Anknipsen II”. Was ist […]

Mapping Creativity and Resistance in Kreuzberg

Mapping Creativity and Resistance in Kreuzberg

(In progress report) Between November 11th and 25th we have run the “Who Owns Kreuzberg” workshop at the FXHB Museum. This Urban Reconnaissance laboratory  involved a group of activists and researchers in “mapping creativity and resistance”  in Kreuzberg, with the aim to provide an insight into the complexities of urban transformations in the city and to […]

Emidio di Treviri School of territorial activism

Emidio di Treviri School of territorial activism

From October 18 -20 we attended the school of territorial activism. Located in Fornara, between the wonderful Laga and Sibillini mountains and organised by the Emidio di Treviri association, the school invited activists, researchers and inhabitants to discuss strategies for development and resistance in the areas affected by the recent earthquake and beyond. Emidio di Treviri […]