
The Moving Cities Platform – another migration policy is possible

The Moving Cities Platform – another migration policy is possible

Since the 21st of October, the MOVING CITIES platform is online. The platform consists of mapping local practices of cities who defined themselves “solidarity cities” towards migrants and refugees. Moving Cities website was born in the frame of a civil society initiative called Palermo Charter Platform created around the Charter for freedom of movement promoted […]

Engagement Stories: the Neighbourhood Atlas of Südliche Friedrichstadt

Engagement Stories: the Neighbourhood Atlas of Südliche Friedrichstadt

With the fourth public meeting that took place on Thursday 18 February at Feldfünf im Metropolenhaus we closed the first phase of the Mehringplatz Anknipsen lab. After the previous meetings done at the Kiezstübe (Delimitations, places)  and at the Amerika Gedenkbibliothek (memories), the topic proposed this time to the group of participants was “transformations”: how has the neighbourhood changed through […]



WHERE AND WHEN? Lausitzer Strasse 10-11, Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. 2019-2021 WHAT’S GOING ON? Similarly to other cases in the district, the Lause is being threatened by the possibility of an unaffordable rent increase due to the intention of the owner to sell the building to the highest bidder, by around 20 million euros – an […]

Transformationen – Nachbarschaftsatlas im Feldfünf

Transformationen – Nachbarschaftsatlas im Feldfünf

(English below) Das nächste öffentliche Treffen der Mehringplatz Anknipsen II-Laboratorien findet am Dienstag, 18. Februar um 17.30 Uhr im feldfünf statt. Wir werden uns dort dem Thema Transformationen in der Südlichen Friedrichstadt widmen: Wie hat sich das Gebiet baulich / räumlich verändert? Und wie wirkt sich dies auf das soziokulturelle Leben vor Ort aus? Diese […]

Art. 8

Art. 8

This study appraises the praxis related to sustainable integrated (participative) approach to urban development during the first half of Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. Urban development is assessed in reference to Art.8 (EC regulations 1080/2006), which supports the development of participative, integrated and sustainable strategies to tackle the high concentration of economic, environmental and social problems affecting distressed urban areas.