
New Community Project in Berlin Hohenschönhausen

New Community Project in Berlin Hohenschönhausen

Our new project in the Berlin district of Hohenschönhausen “Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen: Aus Erinnerungen Zukunft bauen” (Show me your Hohenschönhausen: Building a future from past memories) has been awarded funding and we are looking forward to starting it this spring! During our community history project in Hohenschönhausen last year we noticed the significant impact of the GDR’s […]

From the Sea to the City: Regroup, Rethink, React

From the Sea to the City: Regroup, Rethink, React

On December 9 Laura Colini will facilitate the online panel “Regroup, Rethink, React: Practical solutions to promote and implement human rights based migration policies”organised by From the Sea to the City. The COVID-19 crisis put into sharp relief the importance of guaranteeing access to information, adequate shelter and housing, and healthcare services in order to secure the lives of […]

Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories – Brussels 25.06.2019

Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories – Brussels 25.06.2019

On 25 June 2019 Laura  Colini facilitated the panel Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories: A factor for local development at the European Committee of the Regions (CoR),  organised in partnership with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), the […]

Napoli – URBinclusion Transnational meeting

Napoli – URBinclusion Transnational meeting

On December 13th and 14th  a transnational meeting of the URBACT implementation network URBinclusion took place in Napoli. The focus of the knowledge exchange between nine European cities was on innovative actions for the integration of populations with migrant backgrounds in the Porta Capuana neighbourhood and the coordination of local actors. We were presented the activities of the URBACT […]

D4l – Data Challenge on Integration of Migrants in Cities – Brussels 27.11.2018

D4l – Data Challenge on Integration of Migrants in Cities – Brussels 27.11.2018

On November 27 2018, in Brussels at MCE Conference and Business Centre, Laura Colini attended the Final Workshop of  Data Challenge on Integration of Migrants in Cities  facilitating the thematic roundtable ” Evidence on segregation and diversity for policies” in  her role as program expert for URBACT. The Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) has been piloting the use of […]

Migration flows and integration policies, Athens November 22-23

Migration flows and integration policies, Athens November 22-23

22-23 November 2018 Laura Colini participates to the conference “Migration flows and integration policies: data evidence and best practices in the EU” organised by Interact and ESPON, presenting URBACT and the Arrival City network experience. The Conference explores the main challenges and identify good policy responses and the best practices for successful integration of refugees into […]

Solipolis – New Hamburg

Solipolis – New Hamburg

Tesserae is taking part to the Solipolis festival in Veddel, Hamburg, dedicated to multicultural dialogue and neighbourhood mobilization. Saturday 15 September Laura talked at the opening session about solidarity cities and migration in Europe. Saturday the 22nd Lorenzo and Daniele will coordinate an urban reconnaissance workshop. A walk in the neighbourhood becomes an opportunity to reflect […]

Henri Lefevbre – Le Droit à la Ville

Henri Lefevbre – Le Droit à la Ville

Next April 4 and 5  will take place in Paris the conference 1968 Le Droit à la Ville de Henri Lefebvre organised by La Ville en Commun. Laura Colini representing URBACT will chair the session: Face aux migrations internationales, quel droit à la ville ? Tesserae will be present to collect interviews to the speakers and suggestions for a project […]