
New Right to Housing Platform and Conference Recordings

New Right to Housing Platform and Conference Recordings

The Cities Engaging in the Right to Housing project has launched a new website to promote exchanges between cities and connections with strategic players at national and EU levels on the theme of housing rights. The website also provides access to the project’s research and case studies, including information on collaborative and non-market oriented housing schemes, community land […]

Autorecupero ed autocostruzione dei beni comuni

Autorecupero ed autocostruzione dei beni comuni

Recruited as ad hoc expert for the URBACT Civic E-State project, Tesserae senior researcher Lorenzo Tripodi was commissioned to lead a study on the practices of community-led self construction and renovation of buildings (“autorecupero and autocostruzione” ), as practiced in recent decades in Italy. The consequent report presenting the results of this study is published here.

ROOF Winter school

ROOF Winter school

Want to warm your brain on ending homelessness solutions? Want to knit yourself more knowledge and skills? Be inspired for your next steps to end homelessness! Check the opportunity to learn and act against homelessness from  international experts during the ROOF winter school that will happen on 3, 4 and 5 March 2021 with the participation […]

From the Sea to the City: Regroup, Rethink, React

From the Sea to the City: Regroup, Rethink, React

On December 9 Laura Colini will facilitate the online panel “Regroup, Rethink, React: Practical solutions to promote and implement human rights based migration policies”organised by From the Sea to the City. The COVID-19 crisis put into sharp relief the importance of guaranteeing access to information, adequate shelter and housing, and healthcare services in order to secure the lives of […]

Housing Fair Finance

Housing Fair Finance

Ready to start! @lauracolini introducing the context and aims… pic.twitter.com/zS5byp6uf9 — Tesserae (@tesseraeUSR) November 19, 2020 November 19 took place the third and last conference of Cities engaging in the right to housing , a joint capitalization project of UIA and URBACT. Laura Colini moderated the discussion questioning the role of financial actors in threatening access to housing. […]



WHERE AND WHEN? Mildmay, Islington, London, UK. From 2018. Involvement in the Comensi  project. WHAT’S GOING ON? Mildmay has recently become a preferential target for real estate investment, and it has seen a rapid increase in the number of affluent peope decidig to move in the ward. The new inbalance between housing supply and demand has broght […]

No one left behind

No one left behind

Friday June 26 the second  event of the series “Cities engaging in the right to housing” took place. The web conference  No one left behind  organised by by Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT was facilitated by Laura Colini. The conference offered a preview of the 2020 Report on Housing Exclusion in Europe, co-written by FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre, […]