
Culture against diversity and inclusion – cuts in Berlin’s cultural scene

[ENGLISH VERSION BELOW] Kultur gegen Vielfalt und Inklusion – Kürzungen in der Berliner Kulturszene Liebe Berlin, ich habe dich geliebt und liebe dich noch immer aus tiefstem Herzen.Wie jede Liebe begann auch unsere mit einem Funken und einem Versprechen.Dem Versprechen, solidarisch und ungehorsam zu bleiben,Besonders in Zeiten des Krieges, besonders in Zeiten der Armut.Ich möchte […]

Bolzanism days

Bolzanism days

What to do when doing is no longer enough? Can ephemeral cultural actions evolve into permanent processes that create new horizons and forms of collaboration between operators, citizens and institutions? To discuss such questions, on Saturday 14 September Lorenzo Tripodi will join Bertram Niessen, scientific director cheFare agency (Milan), Nasrin Mohiti Asli architect, co-founder of […]

Solidarity to the Wem Gehört Der Laskerkiez? campaign

Solidarity to the Wem Gehört Der Laskerkiez? campaign

Tesserae stands in solidarity and strongly supports the WemGehörtDerLaskerkiez? (Who owns Laskerkiez?) initiative and its campaign for the preservation of the Laskerkiez neighbourhood and the Zukunft am Ostkreuz cultural centre. Laskerkiez is a lively and colourful neighbourhood located in Berlin Friedrichshain between Ostkreuz and the Spree and is home to several important solidarity and self-governing organisations, including […]

Report on the Culture and Social Inclusion in Cities Webinar

Report on the Culture and Social Inclusion in Cities Webinar

On November 29th, 2021, URBACT, together with EUROCITIES, organised the Culture and Social Inclusion in Cities webinar, bringing together cities and European networks and programmes to discuss and promote inclusive approaches to cultural policies in cities. The webinar showcased the results of the work carried out by URBACT and EUROCITIES within the framework of the […]

Call for Expert: Sustainable Tourism

Call for Expert: Sustainable Tourism

Interesting job opportunity URBACT for an expert in sustainable tourism, with a focus on sharing economy, to help deliver an action of the Urban Agenda Partnership on Culture and Cultural Heritage. The action seeks to understand the specific problem posed by short-term rental platforms and their impact on over-tourism experienced by cities, through gathering knowledge […]