
Tesserae Dialogues #5 – MetroZones

Tesserae Dialogues #5 – MetroZones

Talking Hands. Re-reading maps as aesthetic practices in urban research Tuesday March 12 for the fifth episode of the Tesserae Dialogues we will meet the Berlin based collective MetroZones whose activities and approaches we often crossed during the years. Over the past years, recording processes have become increasingly important for metroZones‘ research and artistic practice. While they […]

Tesserae Dialogues #3 – Careri & Romito

Tesserae Dialogues #3 – Careri & Romito

Although we haven’t had any formal collaboration, since Lorenzo Romito and Francesco Careri co-founded the Stalker collective and Osservatorio Nomade in the early 90’s our paths have been often crossing, especially through the research of ogino:knauss, which developed in parallel during the same years and within similar cultural backgrounds and political agendas. Nomadic art practices, […]

Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen – final outcomes

Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen – final outcomes

Unsere Ergebnisse sind jetzt auf Instagram! Im Rahmen unseres Projekts “Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen: Aus Erinnerungen Zukunft bauen!” waren wir auf dem Kreativmarkt, den die Initiative “Platz der Vielfalt” alle zwei Wochen auf dem Prerower Platz veranstaltet. Wir hatten dort einen Stand, an dem Nachbar:innen auf einer großen Karte schöne Erinnerungen im Bezirk markieren konnten. […]

Florence Social Literature Festival – May 27-30

Florence Social Literature Festival – May 27-30

The city of Florence will be hosting the sixth edition of its Festival of Social Literature over the last weekend of May 2021.  Visitors can expect four days of talks, debates, poetry, theatre and music, alongside stands and presentations from independent publishers, DIY book and magazine producers, self-managed bookstores and artists’ collectives. On May 27th […]

Plotting the Urban Body Podcast

Plotting the Urban Body Podcast

PLOTTING THE URBAN BODY is an interdisciplinary project by artist Maria Pecchioli and Italy’s Radio Papesse investigating urban space as an organic body. It examines the energies of the city and its transformations through the lens of Taoist cosmogony, traditional Chinese medicine and the I Ching Book of Changes. The project’s research in the Italian city of Florence has produced a series of […]

Save the Venere Biomeccanica – iconic symbol of creative urban resistance

Save the Venere Biomeccanica – iconic symbol of creative urban resistance

Florence, Italy: The iconic Venere Biomeccanica (Biomechanical Venus) sculpture is under threat of being removed as part of a larger regeneration project in the city. The 5-meter tall anthropomorphic statue is located in a former textile machine factory complex in the Rifredi neighbourhood of Florence. The sculpture was built by a group of activist artists who […]



WHERE AND WHEN? Lausitzer Strasse 10-11, Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. 2019-2021 WHAT’S GOING ON? Similarly to other cases in the district, the Lause is being threatened by the possibility of an unaffordable rent increase due to the intention of the owner to sell the building to the highest bidder, by around 20 million euros – an […]