Snipiskes is a historical neighbourhood of Vilnius subject to redevelopment process. It is the target area for the URBACT III implementation network ReGeneration with lead expertise provided by Tesserae
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Dragoner Areal is a key area in the heart of Kreuzberg, the nucleus of a Regeneration area (Sanierungsgebiet Rathausblock) that was planned to be sold to private investors and has been the object of a mobilisation of citizens against the privatisation.
Hohenschönhausen is a district part of the borough of Lichtenberg. During the separation of the city, this borough of East Berlin was part of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Tesserae has developed participatory workshops with local residents on topics related to issues of a memory culture being documented by residents of the district themselves, promoting activities of community storytelling.
In 2012-1015 Laura Colini participated at IRS Leibnitz Institut in a research on Halle-Neustadt directed by Matthias Berndt and Daniel Först. This former East-German city has experienced two waves of privatization, leading to a complete change of ownership structures, marked by the rise of financial investors. Cuts have put increasing pressure on welfare recipients to live in […]