Learning from Context

A conference in Berlin, 22nd-23rd September 2017

This booklet  is one in a series of 6 about the project Euler. Euler took place from 2015 to 2017 in Antwerp, Barcelona, Berlin and London.

Euler aims to contribute to the development of cities by harnessing the skills, competences and capacities of local people. Through peer-to-peer, cooperative and solidarity actions citizens learn but also teach each other skills that will be crucial in the future of work. Euler looks at the different ways in which this sharing and exchange takes place, and tries to derive methods that will allow others to also benefit from these empowering and emancipating practices.

The conference Learning from Context was designed as a closing event of the EULER Erasmus Plus project coordinating training programs at the micro urban scale, namely in selected socio-economically distressed urban areas or housing complexes in the cities of Antwerp, Barcelona, London and Berlin. The decentralised approach, in which each of the four partners focused mainly on the local context, opened the opportunity to invite other similar initiatives to compare and contrast lessons learned. In addition to a keynote which contextualised the work in its urban, community and academic context, the conference’s sessions allowed the partners to receive feedback on the work done locally. Furthermore, the sessions also allowed for a deep dive into four of the most burning themes revealed during the lifetime of the project. Overall, space was given to more than twenty speakers from throughout Europe, who in different ways deal with learning in informal settings, and involved almost hundred participants in discussions and workshops.

24 Nov , 2017 - Category:

art · commons · conference · EULER · learning form context · tools · urban education


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