The regeneration of the ancient prison complex of Le Murate in the historical centre of Florence is a successful experience of integrated planning, which has restored an area that has historically been cut off from the urban and social fabric of the Santa Croce neighbourhood.
Alamar is a new city built in the 1970s in the outskirts of La Habana, Cuba, mostly with rudimental prefabricated technologies inherited from the soviets. It has been put in place through self-construction teams of 32 citizens employed in the so called microbrigadas: a system affecting not only the way the physical environment has been produced, but also the social texture formed in the process.
THE CASA DEL QUARTIERE The Casa del Quartiere San Salvario is meant to be a “neighbourhood house”: a community hub where to design, develop and run social and cultural activities, where exchange and connections between the activities, the actors and the local citizen community are promoted and facilitated. The San Salvario community hub grew gradually by […]