New Right to Housing Platform and Conference Recordings

The Cities Engaging in the Right to Housing project has launched a new website to promote exchanges between cities and connections with strategic players at national and EU levels on the theme of housing rights.

The website also provides access to the project’s research and case studies, including information on collaborative and non-market oriented housing schemes, community land trusts and urban fair funding schemes.

The platform is the result of a 1.5 year cooperation between UIA and URBACT, in which Tesserae’s Laura Colini participated as a senior expert.

The launch of the new website follows on from last month’s Cities Engaging in the Right to Housing online event, at which research from the project was presented alongside discussion and commentary from project partners and participants. A recording of the talks from the event, along with accompanying slides, is available from the UIA website.

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19 Mag , 2021 - Category:

collaborative housing · housing

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