Final multiplier event
10 December 2020, 3pm
In December 2020 the COMENSI project comes to a closure. Community Engagement for Social Inclusion is an EU funded Erasmus+ project aimed at developing more effective methodologies of inclusion and activation of citizens at risk of exclusion. COMENSI developed and tested accessible tools and methods for communication, networking and organising to improve the capacity of citizens to engage in projects and social initiatives.
The project developed three main outputs during its duration:
- a methodological toolkit for the intervention in disadvantaged neighbourhoods;
- the prototype of a digital Neighbourhood Atlas Platform;
- the experimentation of the toolset and the atlas in the context of neighbourhood hubs during five citizens labs, and a handbook based on the application of the method at local level.
On December 10th, during the final Transnational Meeting of the project the results will be presented to an international audience, including the five local atlases realised by the COMENSI partners in Palermo, London, Lisbon, Ljubljana and Berlin. We invited representatives of EU programs and organisations active in the fields of urban regeneration to a panel discussing potential applications of such tools on a wider scale.
15.00 Lorenzo Tripodi: Tools for community engagement in covid times
15.10 Paola Pizzo: The Toolkit for Community Engagement
15.25 Lorenzo Tripodi, Peter Brownell: COMENSI Digital Atlas
15.40 Mapping for Change: Mildmay Community, UK
15:45 prostoRož: Savsko naselje, SL
15:50 4Change: Bairro da Ajuda, PT
15.55 Bond of Union: Capo Monte di Pietà, IT
16.00 Tesserae: Mehringplatz, DE
16.10 Tools for social engagements panel discussion with the participation of:
- Laura Colini (URBACT/Tesserae)
- Daniela Patti (Eutropian)
- Peter Ramsden (Freiss Ltd.)
- Paola Alfaro-d’Alençon (Technische Universität Berlin)
- Germana Di Falco (Agenzia della Coesione Territoriale)
16.45 Q&A and conclusions
The COMENSI prototype of digital neighbourhood atlas has many possible applications for participative urbanism, community organising and local empowerment. It is a living archive that combines data and narratives of different formats and from different sources in order to provide a dynamic picture of the identity of a neighbourhood in transformation. The atlas collects personal and collective storytellings, interviews to stakeholders, information about transformative processes, heritage or planning tools. It is used for mapping needs and conflicts, stakeholders, local initiatives and resources, and foresees the direct involvement of citizens in its realisation.
We are convinced that such an instrument could represent a great resource for projects and communities working at local scale in inclusive urban development, social innovation, heritage, environmental justice, etc. We are willing to discuss its possible applications with organisations and professionals in urban, social, economic and environmental fields. Tesserae is committed to further develop the Atlas prototype as an open source platform available for local initiatives and community projects. We consider this multiplier event not only as a closing event for the current project, but especially as moment of sharing and discussion with people interested in its future application within their projects and in their feedback on features that may enrich its use.