
Milano Isola – URLab at Attractive Cities summer school

Milano Isola – URLab at Attractive Cities summer school

During the 2nd week of the Attractive Cities summer school held at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Jim Macneil organised an Urban Reconnaissance workshop with Chiara Vitrano (PhD, GSSI) and the students.  They chose the neighbourhoods Isola and Porta Garibaldi as areas of exploration, given the massive urban projects and transformations that have been taking place over the […]

The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities at AESOP2018

The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities at AESOP2018

On July 12  the case of BMINCOME UIA Barcelona was presented by Laura Colini at  at the “Making Space for Hope” AESOP conference 2018  in Gothenburg. The case was discussed   with Ananya Roy, Oren Yiftachel and Ali Madanipour during the roundtable “The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities” organized by Daniela de Leo.     photo by Simone Tulumello […]

Urban Reconnaissance in Rio de Janeiro

Urban Reconnaissance in Rio de Janeiro

Since June 28 a team of researchers including Manuela and Sergio is in Rio de Janeiro for a 6 week secondment of the Cocreation project in collaboration with PUC University. They are preparing a methodological contribution to the international workshop that will take place in Santa Marta from July 30th to August 5th, and  carrying field research  for a possible […]

Henri Lefevbre – Le Droit à la Ville

Henri Lefevbre – Le Droit à la Ville

Next April 4 and 5  will take place in Paris the conference 1968 Le Droit à la Ville de Henri Lefebvre organised by La Ville en Commun. Laura Colini representing URBACT will chair the session: Face aux migrations internationales, quel droit à la ville ? Tesserae will be present to collect interviews to the speakers and suggestions for a project […]

Exercises in Urban Reconnaissance – updated version!

Exercises in Urban Reconnaissance – updated version!

The long-awaited new version of the Urban Reconnaissance platform is live on internet. As the consequence of an intense workshop and exploration activity done during last couple of years, the hypertext has been almost totally rewritten with a new index and several new definitions. Improvements were made in the user interface, and more are in the go. […]

Dom Novogo Byta  online

Dom Novogo Byta online

Dom Novogo Byta is online. The second RCP film shot in Moscow between 2009  and 2011 and issued in 2013 is now fully accessible from the Re>centering Periphery website and from oginoknauss’ Vimeo channel.