
Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories – Brussels 25.06.2019

Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories – Brussels 25.06.2019

On 25 June 2019 Laura  Colini facilitated the panel Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories: A factor for local development at the European Committee of the Regions (CoR),  organised in partnership with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), the […]

ps wedding braucht Eure Unterstützung!

ps wedding braucht Eure Unterstützung!

We receive and publish this call for support for the ps wedding – project in Berlin ps wedding braucht Eure Unterstützung! Abriss des ehemaligen Diesterweg-Gymnasiums verhindern! Zur Erinnerung: Im letzten Sommer befanden wir uns mit unserem Vorhaben zur Umnutzung des ehemaligen Diesterweg-Gymnasiums, zur Schaffung von bezahlbarem Wohnraum und der Gründung eines Quartiers- und Nachbarschaftszentrums […]

(Im)possible Complicities: registration open

(Im)possible Complicities: registration open

The registration to (Im)possible complicities. Cocreation, Coproduction, Cooptation is open. The draft program is online here. 60 places are available online at We set a symbolic fee of 10 Euro to discourage casual registrations. Please email us at info (at) for any clarification or request. (Answer during next Easter holidays may be slow)

U-Rise Master Thesis

U-Rise Master Thesis

For the second year the collaboration  with the U-Rise Master in Urban Regeneration and Social Innovation of the University of Venice resulted in a group of students spending  three months in Berlin doing an internship at Tesserae. We are pleased to have supported Chiara De Grandi, Cinzia D’Emidio and Ermes Invernizzi in the elaboration of […]

The Museo Comunitario del Valle de Xico is under attack

The Museo Comunitario del Valle de Xico is under attack

We recently published a piece about the Museo Comunitario del Valle de Xico on our Recentering Periphery blog. You can find the interview we carried out with the community museum’s director, Genaro Amaro, here. We are saddened to hear that this amazing grassroots cultural initiative has been closed and is under threat of eviction from the Municipality […]

URBEX – Training in Palermo

URBEX – Training in Palermo

From January 28 to February 2 took place in Palermo the first week of training of the Erasmus plus project URBEX. The intense week was attended by 25 professionals from five cities and was dedicated to develop a common methodology to employ urban exploration as an educational tool for youth at risk of exclusion. Good practices and […]

Napoli – URBinclusion Transnational meeting

Napoli – URBinclusion Transnational meeting

On December 13th and 14th  a transnational meeting of the URBACT implementation network URBinclusion took place in Napoli. The focus of the knowledge exchange between nine European cities was on innovative actions for the integration of populations with migrant backgrounds in the Porta Capuana neighbourhood and the coordination of local actors. We were presented the activities of the URBACT […]