


The book on planetary urbanisation and cinematic urbanism by Lorenzo Tripodi published by AgenziaX Is now out in the bookshops!

Culture against diversity and inclusion – cuts in Berlin’s cultural scene

[ENGLISH VERSION BELOW] Kultur gegen Vielfalt und Inklusion – Kürzungen in der Berliner Kulturszene Liebe Berlin, ich habe dich geliebt und liebe dich noch immer aus tiefstem Herzen.Wie jede Liebe begann auch unsere mit einem Funken und einem Versprechen.Dem Versprechen, solidarisch und ungehorsam zu bleiben,Besonders in Zeiten des Krieges, besonders in Zeiten der Armut.Ich möchte […]

Oasis Kick-off in Warsaw

Oasis Kick-off in Warsaw

Oasis is a new Creative Europe project led by the Other Space Foundation (Warsaw) with the participation of Tesserae providing participatory methodologies and research capacity. The project connects 14 European partners, and aims at realising 13 artists residence programs co-designed with local society.

New website & social media!

We are delighted to finally unveil our new online interface! We’ve been quietly working on reorganising our website in recent months, highlighting its role as an archive of what we produce rather than a promotional tool.

Work with us!

Work with us!

Our organisation is looking for a part-time administrative and financial officer. We are searching for a professional and motivated person to join our team, primarily responsible for accountancy and financial reporting activities, but with the potential to work on a variety of other duties such as management, project design, and coordination.

Bolzanism days

Bolzanism days

What to do when doing is no longer enough? Can ephemeral cultural actions evolve into permanent processes that create new horizons and forms of collaboration between operators, citizens and institutions? To discuss such questions, on Saturday 14 September Lorenzo Tripodi will join Bertram Niessen, scientific director cheFare agency (Milan), Nasrin Mohiti Asli architect, co-founder of […]

„Durch Unsere Augen“

„Durch Unsere Augen“

This film narrates the stories of a group of arab women living in the area of Mehringplatz. Between anecdotes, everyday activities, joyful encounters and reflections of the past and the future, these women open up to the camera, to each other and to the world