Urbex Handbook
This handbook is the first project resulting of the Erasmus+ UrbEX. It aims at outlining a methodology of urban exploration as a means of engagement for young people in vulnerable contexts.
This handbook is the first project resulting of the Erasmus+ UrbEX. It aims at outlining a methodology of urban exploration as a means of engagement for young people in vulnerable contexts.
The UrbEXplorerrs conference adopted a practice-oriented, multidisciplinary and inclusive approach facilitating exchange about concrete experiences and open tools among the participants.
Urbexplorers was the final multiplier event of the Erasmus project UrbEX. The multidisciplinary conference organized by Tesserae promoted urban exploration as a methodology for empowering youths, overcoming their vulnerabilities, and encouraging their participation in communal life. We engaged youth workers, scholars, activists, and policymakers in a conversation about the potential of neighborhoods as learning spaces. […]
This tool was developed during the URBEX training program on Urban exploration as a tool for the engagement of youths at risk of exclusion. It describes a number of approaches and methods to guide and inspire youth workers that aim to explore their neighbourhoods and socio-spatial contexts with the company of a youth group.
UrbEXplorers is the final conference of the Erasmus+ project UrbEX. The multidisciplinary symposium will discuss and promote urban exploration as a methodology for empowering youths, overcoming their vulnerabilities and fostering their engagement in community life.
The Treasure Island tool was designed during the UrbEX project to facilitate the process of co-designing an urban exploration activity with young participants. Its simple structure in 9 steps can be applied to streamlining projects with unskilled beneficiaries in a simple and effective way.
English below Im Rahmen von URBEX finden am 13./14./20./21. Oktober 2022 jeweils ab 14 Uhr Workshops mit Jugendlichen zwischen 16 und 24 Jahren statt. In Zusammenarbeit mit den in Berlin aktiven Jugendorganisationen StreetUniverCity und Schlesische27 geht es für die Jugendlichen darum, den städtischen Raum zu erkunden und sich anzueignen. Dafür geht’s zunächst nach Kreuzberg und […]
Visual recording by Ilaria Fresa / Nomadways From June 7-11 Tesserae co-delivered training workshops for social workers in the URBEX project. We shared and tested methods and exercises of urban exploration aimed at youths. The experience was extremely valuable, rich and funny! Below are some visual notes and twitter threads documenting the 4 days. In […]
Visual recording of the first URBEXII Transnational Meeting in Lisbon by Alexandra Nikolova – Nomadways On February 17th -18th the first transnational meeting of the new URBEX project took place at Lisbon’s Impact House. The event gave the project’s partners the opportunity to finally meet in person, to discuss the aims of the project and to exchange ideas […]
UrbEX is an Erasmus plus project aimed at developing urban exploration as tool to engage and empower youths at risk of exclusion. Tesserae is lead partner and coordinator in the project, managing the partnership between five organisations in five different EU countries.
We are delivering the URBEX handbook of Urban Exploration and testing the handbook’s methodologies in Berlin within local labs. Finally in September 2023 we will also be organising the project’s final international conference.