urban commons

Die Lause

Die Lause

The former glass factory located in Lausitzer Straße 10/11 in Berlin-Kreutzberg is a domestic community that best embodies the prototype of the so-called “Berlin mix”, whereby available spaces are equally distributed to allow for both their residential and commercial use.

New study on community led regeneration and construction

New study on community led regeneration and construction

Versione italiana sotto May 26-28 saw the closing event of URBACT’s Civic e-State project and with it the launch of a new website for interconnecting community development projects and the finalization of an accompanying study, commissioned by the project, and delivered by Tesserae’s Lorenzo Tripodi. The object of the study was to assess the practice of “autorecupero and autocostruzione” (community-led […]

Civic eState final event – May 26-28

Civic eState final event – May 26-28

The final event of  URBACT’s Civic eState project will take place online from May 26th to 28th 2021.  The virtual conference aims to showcase the impact of Civic Estate’s activities and to promote its results at a European and global level, fostering dialogue with experts, academics and elected representatives. Key themes of the event will include a spotlight on the role […]

Autorecupero ed autocostruzione dei beni comuni

Autorecupero ed autocostruzione dei beni comuni

Recruited as ad hoc expert for the URBACT Civic E-State project, Tesserae senior researcher Lorenzo Tripodi was commissioned to lead a study on the practices of community-led self construction and renovation of buildings (“autorecupero and autocostruzione” ), as practiced in recent decades in Italy. The consequent report presenting the results of this study is published here.

Museu da Maré – Rio de Janeiro

Museu da Maré – Rio de Janeiro

Maré (or Complexo da Maré), in the northern periphery of Rio de Janeiro, is a complex of several favelas with 130.000 inhabitants stacked on 10 sq.km. The Museu da Maré was created by popular initiative to reclaim and de-stigmatise the identity of the neighbourhood. Tesserae researchers had the chance to visit the place and get in contact with the promoters thanks to the CoCreation project.