How UAEU partnerships can be used by policy and decision-makers to end homelessness and provide adequate and affordable housing. An article published on the EU Urban Agenda platform.
How UAEU partnerships can be used by policy and decision-makers to end homelessness and provide adequate and affordable housing. An article published on the EU Urban Agenda platform.
Online workshop organised in the frame of the IN-HABIT H2020 project 15th February 2023 – h.14 ECT Public procurement are the processes in which public institutions buy goods and services. The potential for these processes to provide benefits for local communities is huge but mostly under used in municipalities all across Europe and the world. […]
On November 29th, 2021, URBACT, together with EUROCITIES, organised the Culture and Social Inclusion in Cities webinar, bringing together cities and European networks and programmes to discuss and promote inclusive approaches to cultural policies in cities. The webinar showcased the results of the work carried out by URBACT and EUROCITIES within the framework of the […]
The URBACT ROOF network has called upon the EU and Member States to take action on ending homelessness in 4 key areas. The group, which is formed of 9 EU cities and is focused on ending homelessness through Housing First policies and strategy, was supported by Tesserae’s Laura Colini in developing its ‘4 key messages to the […]
Versione italiana sotto May 26-28 saw the closing event of URBACT’s Civic e-State project and with it the launch of a new website for interconnecting community development projects and the finalization of an accompanying study, commissioned by the project, and delivered by Tesserae’s Lorenzo Tripodi. The object of the study was to assess the practice of “autorecupero and autocostruzione” (community-led […]
The final event of URBACT’s Civic eState project will take place online from May 26th to 28th 2021. The virtual conference aims to showcase the impact of Civic Estate’s activities and to promote its results at a European and global level, fostering dialogue with experts, academics and elected representatives. Key themes of the event will include a spotlight on the role […]
UIA & URBACT are organizing a final event to share the main results of the Cities Engaging in the Right to Housing project – a 1.5 year cooperation between the 2 EU-funded programs, paving the way for future knowledge sharing within the European Urban Initiative. A year following the outbreak of the global pandemic, the housing crisis […]
English version below Autorecupero dei Beni Comuni Martedi 30 Marzo 2021, h. 17 seminario online La pratica dell’ autogestione dei beni comuni si rivela essenziale per riattivare territori e contrastare la diseguaglianza. L’ auto-costruzione da parte dei cittadini fornisce un modello efficace ed economico con cui recuperare o costruire ex-novo risorse sul territorio, ma allo stato attuale nelle […]
Ready to start! @lauracolini introducing the context and aims… pic.twitter.com/zS5byp6uf9 — Tesserae (@tesseraeUSR) November 19, 2020 November 19 took place the third and last conference of Cities engaging in the right to housing , a joint capitalization project of UIA and URBACT. Laura Colini moderated the discussion questioning the role of financial actors in threatening access to housing. […]
Friday June 26 the second event of the series “Cities engaging in the right to housing” took place. The web conference No one left behind organised by by Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT was facilitated by Laura Colini. The conference offered a preview of the 2020 Report on Housing Exclusion in Europe, co-written by FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre, […]