
The Moving Cities Platform – another migration policy is possible

The Moving Cities Platform – another migration policy is possible

Since the 21st of October, the MOVING CITIES platform is online. The platform consists of mapping local practices of cities who defined themselves “solidarity cities” towards migrants and refugees. Moving Cities website was born in the frame of a civil society initiative called Palermo Charter Platform created around the Charter for freedom of movement promoted […]

Mapping Creativity and Resistance in Kreuzberg

Mapping Creativity and Resistance in Kreuzberg

(In progress report) Between November 11th and 25th we have run the “Who Owns Kreuzberg” workshop at the FXHB Museum. This Urban Reconnaissance laboratory  involved a group of activists and researchers in “mapping creativity and resistance”  in Kreuzberg, with the aim to provide an insight into the complexities of urban transformations in the city and to […]

URBEX – Training in Palermo

URBEX – Training in Palermo

From January 28 to February 2 took place in Palermo the first week of training of the Erasmus plus project URBEX. The intense week was attended by 25 professionals from five cities and was dedicated to develop a common methodology to employ urban exploration as an educational tool for youth at risk of exclusion. Good practices and […]