Thi toolkit was designed to support the establishment of the INHUBS of the IN-HABIT project in four medium sized European cities, and provided the basis for the training of the local community activators.
Thi toolkit was designed to support the establishment of the INHUBS of the IN-HABIT project in four medium sized European cities, and provided the basis for the training of the local community activators.
Friday December 13th the UIA project UPPER was presented to the citizenship at the Palazzo Comunale of Latina. The day included a panel with the participation of other Italian cities that have won an UA grant in the fourth call, and the first laboratory facilitated by Tesserae to engage local stakeholders in the co-design process of […]
The first training week of the program took place on June 24-29 in Palermo involving 25 social workers and project managers from the five partner cities of this ErasmusPlus project. We presented the COMENSI toolkit for Community Engagement and discussed its application in five neighbourhoods in London, Ljubljana, Lisbon, Palermo and Berlin. Watch on Youtube the […]