social inclusion

Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories – Brussels 25.06.2019

Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories – Brussels 25.06.2019

On 25 June 2019 Laura  Colini facilitated the panel Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Small Territories: A factor for local development at the European Committee of the Regions (CoR),  organised in partnership with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), the […]

Porta Capuana – Napoli

Porta Capuana – Napoli

Porta Capuana is the eastern gate of the historical center of Naples, and gives the name to the neighbourhood that developed around it. While the economic difficulties of its inhabitants are a long-known problem, a recent rise in the multicultural background of the neighbourhood residents has changed its dynamics. Some regeneration plans have been launched by public bodies, which co-exist with a renewed vibrancy in the local activities of associations and private stakeholders.

D4l – Data Challenge on Integration of Migrants in Cities – Brussels 27.11.2018

D4l – Data Challenge on Integration of Migrants in Cities – Brussels 27.11.2018

On November 27 2018, in Brussels at MCE Conference and Business Centre, Laura Colini attended the Final Workshop of  Data Challenge on Integration of Migrants in Cities  facilitating the thematic roundtable ” Evidence on segregation and diversity for policies” in  her role as program expert for URBACT. The Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) has been piloting the use of […]

Migration flows and integration policies, Athens November 22-23

Migration flows and integration policies, Athens November 22-23

22-23 November 2018 Laura Colini participates to the conference “Migration flows and integration policies: data evidence and best practices in the EU” organised by Interact and ESPON, presenting URBACT and the Arrival City network experience. The Conference explores the main challenges and identify good policy responses and the best practices for successful integration of refugees into […]

Museu da Maré – Rio de Janeiro

Museu da Maré – Rio de Janeiro

Maré (or Complexo da Maré), in the northern periphery of Rio de Janeiro, is a complex of several favelas with 130.000 inhabitants stacked on 10 The Museu da Maré was created by popular initiative to reclaim and de-stigmatise the identity of the neighbourhood. Tesserae researchers had the chance to visit the place and get in contact with the promoters thanks to the CoCreation project.

CoCreation Kick off in Oxford

CoCreation Kick off in Oxford

January 16-18 at Brookes University in Oxford took part the first operative meeting of the new CoCreation project led by dr. Juliet Carpenter at Brookes and dr. Christine Horvath of Bath University. The CoCreation project will develop a collaboration between four Universities and three non-academic organisations,  including Tesserae. As Dr Juliet Carpenter said: “The project […]