rio de janeiro

Memory and Resistance

Memory and Resistance

In this article, we introduce the experience of the network of Museums of Memory and Resistance in Rio de Janeiro, presenting in particular the case of the Museo da Maré. Our encounter with such bottom-up cultural space derives from the involvement in the EU Marie Curie rise project CoCreation, which provided the opportunity to spend a few months researching in Rio de Janeiro with the aim of developing and testing co-creation methodologies in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

Cocreation workshop in Santa Marta

Cocreation workshop in Santa Marta

From July 30 to August 5 the “Santa Marta Sem Fronteiras” cocreation workshop took place in Rio de Janeiro. Five days of activities and site visits in the Santa Marta favela involved more than 20 researchers from the partners organisations. Manuela Conti and Sergio Segoloni took part as representatives of Tesserae. The program coordinated by local community organisers and  the […]

Museu da Maré – Rio de Janeiro

Museu da Maré – Rio de Janeiro

Maré (or Complexo da Maré), in the northern periphery of Rio de Janeiro, is a complex of several favelas with 130.000 inhabitants stacked on 10 The Museu da Maré was created by popular initiative to reclaim and de-stigmatise the identity of the neighbourhood. Tesserae researchers had the chance to visit the place and get in contact with the promoters thanks to the CoCreation project.

Urban Reconnaissance in Rio de Janeiro

Urban Reconnaissance in Rio de Janeiro

Since June 28 a team of researchers including Manuela and Sergio is in Rio de Janeiro for a 6 week secondment of the Cocreation project in collaboration with PUC University. They are preparing a methodological contribution to the international workshop that will take place in Santa Marta from July 30th to August 5th, and  carrying field research  for a possible […]