
No one left behind

No one left behind

Friday June 26 the second  event of the series “Cities engaging in the right to housing” took place. The web conference  No one left behind  organised by by Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT was facilitated by Laura Colini. The conference offered a preview of the 2020 Report on Housing Exclusion in Europe, co-written by FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre, […]

How can cities build alternative community-led housing models?

How can cities build alternative community-led housing models?

As part of a one-year learning activity, URBACT and UIA organised a web conference on 24 April exploring practical ways cities can implement the right to housing. Tesserae’s senior researcher Laura Colini moderated the discussion that contributes to the European Urban Agenda Parntership on housing and helps develop further policy recommendations to push the agenda on the right […]



WHERE AND WHEN? Lausitzer Strasse 10-11, Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. 2019-2021 WHAT’S GOING ON? Similarly to other cases in the district, the Lause is being threatened by the possibility of an unaffordable rent increase due to the intention of the owner to sell the building to the highest bidder, by around 20 million euros – an […]

UIA and URBACT joint initiative for the right to housing

UIA and URBACT joint initiative for the right to housing

On 30-31 January we were in Porto for the EU Cities Forum 2020, where Laura Colini  coordinated  the launch a new URBACT and UIA joint initiative on implementing the right to housing across urban areas in Europe.  Throughout 2020, URBACT and UIA’s initiative will provide a platform for city administrations, civil society, research and practitioners to debate and exchange […]

Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab

Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab

10-11 of December 2018 will take place in Paris the Policy Lab “Fighting Homelessness: the role of cities”,  co-organised by URBACT  with FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless). Laura Colini will coordinate the session in her role as URBACT program, expert. Over 4 million people are affected by homelessness each year in Europe, […]

Warsaw: Sick Homes, Sick Housing Policies.

Warsaw: Sick Homes, Sick Housing Policies.

Open Letter from the Scientific Community We receive from our friends in Warsaw and publish this important call for supporting tenants struggles in the Praga Neighbourhood of Warsaw. You can write to wsl.brzeskiej@gmail.com to express your support and sign the letter. Here a 5-minute long film (with English and German subtitles) explaining the predicament as well as […]