The conference CHALLENGING (SOCIAL) HOUSING IN EUROPE launches a series of events aiming to analyse and discuss various case studies of social housing in European countries and cities.
The conference CHALLENGING (SOCIAL) HOUSING IN EUROPE launches a series of events aiming to analyse and discuss various case studies of social housing in European countries and cities.
How UAEU partnerships can be used by policy and decision-makers to end homelessness and provide adequate and affordable housing. An article published on the EU Urban Agenda platform.
In Italia, la casa è riconosciuta pubblicamente come un problema e lo è sempre più per un numero crescente di individui che vivono la mancanza di alloggio o la difficoltà di mantenere un affitto con costi di raffreddamento e riscaldamento non piú pagabili se non con indebitamento. I mesi del 2023-2024 hanno visto una crescente […]
Per Housing che possa definirsi “sociale” si possono considerare tutte quelle forme di alloggio che riconoscono la casa come un diritto, inclusivo, sicuro, dignitoso accessibile economicamente, tale da non alimentare meccanismi di mercificazione e speculazione che pongono il profitto economico dinanzi al beneficio sociale.
This collective house in Via Dazzi, Firenze, on the slopes up to Rifredi, is a historical experience of a student squat that has been essential for various Florentine urban movement initiatives.
On September 23rd, 2023 Laura participated to the conference Abitare, una questione politica organised by Fondazione Michelucci in Fiesole in the context of the Festival della Nuova Città.
Dragoner Areal is a key area in the heart of Kreuzberg, the nucleus of a Regeneration area (Sanierungsgebiet Rathausblock) that was planned to be sold to private investors and has been the object of a mobilisation of citizens against the privatisation.
On January 25th at 21.00 CET our the second event of Tesserae Dialogues went live online with guest Iván Tosics. Co founder of the Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI), Budapest, Ivan is a sociologist (Ph.D.) with long experience in urban sociology, strategic development, housing policy, and EU regional policy issues. Since 2011 he serves as Programme Expert at the URBACT […]
Las Palmeras is a residential neighborhood on the periphery of Córdoba, Andalusia, built in the 1980s and 90s. Recognized as the fourth most deprived neighborhood in Spain, Las Palmeras has struggled over 50 years with high levels of socioeconomic disadvantage.
A GLIMPSE into the EUROPE HOUSING FORUM – Habitat for Humanity International From the 16th to the 19th of November, Habitat for Humanity International organized the Europe Housing Forum, aimed at virtually bringing together experts in the housing sector to learn, debate and share insights on housing as a driver for sustainability and economic growth. […]