
„Durch Unsere Augen“

„Durch Unsere Augen“

This film narrates the stories of a group of arab women living in the area of Mehringplatz. Between anecdotes, everyday activities, joyful encounters and reflections of the past and the future, these women open up to the camera, to each other and to the world


After more than a year of intensive work, we are officially concluding the Edu-City project and would like to share some interesting results and reflections with you. EDU-CITY CONFERENCE In late January, the Edu-City Conference took place at the Amerika Gedenk Bibliothek under the theme “The Neighborhood as a Learning Environment.” We had the pleasure […]

Co-Creation Final Conference

Co-Creation Final Conference

The H2020 Rise project Cocreation ended its activity in summer 2022. After a long break due to Covid-19 that disrupted heavily our plans to go back to Latin America to work with local communities and apply some of our participative methodologies, members of the Tesserae team attended the final conference in Oxford, England. Here we presented […]

Dom Novogo Byta  online

Dom Novogo Byta online

Dom Novogo Byta is online. The second RCP film shot in Moscow between 2009  and 2011 and issued in 2013 is now fully accessible from the Re>centering Periphery website and from oginoknauss’ Vimeo channel.