EU Urban Innovative Action UIA

The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities at AESOP2018

The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities at AESOP2018

On July 12  the case of BMINCOME UIA Barcelona was presented by Laura Colini at  at the “Making Space for Hope” AESOP conference 2018  in Gothenburg. The case was discussed   with Ananya Roy, Oren Yiftachel and Ali Madanipour during the roundtable “The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities” organized by Daniela de Leo.     photo by Simone Tulumello […]



. Laura Colini is the EU UIA expert supporting Barcelona for B-MINCOME Urban Innovative Action. The project is based on the City’s decision to implement a guaranteed minimum income (GMI) to supplement income in the most deprived and poor areas or the City. It is expected that 1,000 households will receive this minimum income on a […]