How UAEU partnerships can be used by policy and decision-makers to end homelessness and provide adequate and affordable housing. An article published on the EU Urban Agenda platform.
How UAEU partnerships can be used by policy and decision-makers to end homelessness and provide adequate and affordable housing. An article published on the EU Urban Agenda platform.
UIA & URBACT are organizing a final event to share the main results of the Cities Engaging in the Right to Housing project – a 1.5 year cooperation between the 2 EU-funded programs, paving the way for future knowledge sharing within the European Urban Initiative. A year following the outbreak of the global pandemic, the housing crisis […]
Ready to start! @lauracolini introducing the context and aims… pic.twitter.com/zS5byp6uf9 — Tesserae (@tesseraeUSR) November 19, 2020 November 19 took place the third and last conference of Cities engaging in the right to housing , a joint capitalization project of UIA and URBACT. Laura Colini moderated the discussion questioning the role of financial actors in threatening access to housing. […]
Saturday October 31st took place the policy conference “Intorni”, coordinated by Tesserae in the frame of the UPPER Latina Urban Innovative Action project. In the following a report of the discussiont in English. Find here on UPPER website an version in Italian. The conference was part of a programme of online activities and events related […]
English below Conferenza online Sabato 31 Ottobre 2020, h.17 La prima policy conference della serie promessa dal progetto UIA UPPER si interessa allo spazio della partecipazione. Gerarchie di ruoli e posizioni di potere consolidate sono scolpiti più rigidamente di quanto pensiamo nella dimensione spaziale. La rinnovata attenzione alla coproduzione di visioni e soluzioni per la […]
Friday June 26 the second event of the series “Cities engaging in the right to housing” took place. The web conference No one left behind organised by by Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT was facilitated by Laura Colini. The conference offered a preview of the 2020 Report on Housing Exclusion in Europe, co-written by FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre, […]
As part of a one-year learning activity, URBACT and UIA organised a web conference on 24 April exploring practical ways cities can implement the right to housing. Tesserae’s senior researcher Laura Colini moderated the discussion that contributes to the European Urban Agenda Parntership on housing and helps develop further policy recommendations to push the agenda on the right […]
On 30-31 January we were in Porto for the EU Cities Forum 2020, where Laura Colini coordinated the launch a new URBACT and UIA joint initiative on implementing the right to housing across urban areas in Europe. Throughout 2020, URBACT and UIA’s initiative will provide a platform for city administrations, civil society, research and practitioners to debate and exchange […]
Friday December 13th the UIA project UPPER was presented to the citizenship at the Palazzo Comunale of Latina. The day included a panel with the participation of other Italian cities that have won an UA grant in the fourth call, and the first laboratory facilitated by Tesserae to engage local stakeholders in the co-design process of […]
From 8-11 may in Barcelona, Tesserae organised a teaching module for the Master U-RISE at the IUAV in Venice within the frame of the EU UIA BMINCOME pilot project. The pilot is a unique experiment combining passive and active policies to fight poverties in the peripheries of Barcelona. A municipal Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) is […]