


IN-HABIT is an Horizon 2020 project led by the University of Cordoba. The overall objective of IN-HABIT is to foster Inclusive Health and Wellbeing in peripheral small and medium size cities by means of mobilizing resources around a core topic and galvanize them through solutions that integrate cultural, digital, nature-based and social innovations applied to the co-design, co-development and co-management of urban public spaces. Tesserae has a core role in the project, leading WP5 dedicated to the engagement of citizens and stakeholders all along the five years project. We are in charge of delivering a methodological toolkit for civic engagement (Stakeholders Engagement with Gender and Diversity perspective Toolkit), training the local community activators of the four cities and supporting their PPPPs, steering the co-production of four Inclusive Transition Pathways, and finally reporting and disseminating the experience.

Intorni. Spazi e pratiche della partecipazione

Intorni. Spazi e pratiche della partecipazione

English below Conferenza online Sabato 31 Ottobre 2020, h.17 La prima policy conference della serie promessa dal progetto UIA UPPER si interessa allo spazio della partecipazione. Gerarchie di ruoli e posizioni di potere consolidate sono scolpiti più rigidamente di quanto pensiamo nella dimensione spaziale. La rinnovata attenzione alla coproduzione di visioni e soluzioni per la […]

(Im)possible Complicities: registration open

(Im)possible Complicities: registration open

The registration to (Im)possible complicities. Cocreation, Coproduction, Cooptation is open. The draft program is online here. 60 places are available online at We set a symbolic fee of 10 Euro to discourage casual registrations. Please email us at info (at) for any clarification or request. (Answer during next Easter holidays may be slow)