
(Im)possible Complicities: registration open

(Im)possible Complicities: registration open

The registration to (Im)possible complicities. Cocreation, Coproduction, Cooptation is open. The draft program is online here. 60 places are available online at We set a symbolic fee of 10 Euro to discourage casual registrations. Please email us at info (at) for any clarification or request. (Answer during next Easter holidays may be slow)

Migration flows and integration policies, Athens November 22-23

Migration flows and integration policies, Athens November 22-23

22-23 November 2018 Laura Colini participates to the conference “Migration flows and integration policies: data evidence and best practices in the EU” organised by Interact and ESPON, presenting URBACT and the Arrival City network experience. The Conference explores the main challenges and identify good policy responses and the best practices for successful integration of refugees into […]

The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities at AESOP2018

The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities at AESOP2018

On July 12  the case of BMINCOME UIA Barcelona was presented by Laura Colini at  at the “Making Space for Hope” AESOP conference 2018  in Gothenburg. The case was discussed   with Ananya Roy, Oren Yiftachel and Ali Madanipour during the roundtable “The Praxis of Planning in Unequal Cities” organized by Daniela de Leo.     photo by Simone Tulumello […]

Henri Lefevbre – Le Droit à la Ville

Henri Lefevbre – Le Droit à la Ville

Next April 4 and 5  will take place in Paris the conference 1968 Le Droit à la Ville de Henri Lefebvre organised by La Ville en Commun. Laura Colini representing URBACT will chair the session: Face aux migrations internationales, quel droit à la ville ? Tesserae will be present to collect interviews to the speakers and suggestions for a project […]

Switch On Mehringplatz 30.11.2017 @Bauhutte

Switch On Mehringplatz 30.11.2017 @Bauhutte

Switch On Mehringplatz – Closing discussion and book presentation Thursday November 30, 18h Bauhutte Südliche Friedrichstadt, Besselstraße 1, 10969 Berlin, Deutschland From October 2016 to July 2017 the Erasmus + program EULER has developed a series of laboratories in Mehringplatz and the Südliche Friedrichstadt investigating the potentiality of the neighbourhood, its history and current transformations. […]

Learning from Context – conference program

Learning from Context – conference program

Building social competence from local knowledge 22-23 September 2017 Berlin, Aquarium Skalitzer Str. 6, 10999 Berlin Berlin DE EULER_Program in PDF format. EULER_Conference_Practical information in PDF format Conference program DAY 1, Friday September 22 8:30-9:15 Registration at Aquarium Session 1 09:15 – 09:45   Welcome & Program What Are we doing here – Lorenzo Tripodi The EULER project […]