Meeting Christian Schmid
On Wednesday 11th December Laura Colini and Lorenzo Tripodi will take part as discussants to a one-day symposium celebrating the work and books of renowned Swiss geographer Christian Schmid.
On Wednesday 11th December Laura Colini and Lorenzo Tripodi will take part as discussants to a one-day symposium celebrating the work and books of renowned Swiss geographer Christian Schmid.
The EduCity conference looks at the potential of neighbourhoods as spaces for social engagement. It will present ideas and tools to explore the neighbourhood as an active site for mutual learning, innovation and capacity building. EduCity has a multidisciplinary and inclusive ambition and is open to researchers, practitioners, educators, civil servants and engaged citizens active in processes of social inclusion and community empowerment. The objective is to connect and provide tools to organisations and individuals who share an interest in the potential of neighbourhoods as learning environments.
On September 23rd, 2023 Laura participated to the conference Abitare, una questione politica organised by Fondazione Michelucci in Fiesole in the context of the Festival della Nuova Città.
The UrbEXplorerrs conference adopted a practice-oriented, multidisciplinary and inclusive approach facilitating exchange about concrete experiences and open tools among the participants.
The neighbourhood as a learning environment
Berlin, 25th-26th January 2024, Amerikagedenk Bibliothek.
UrbEXplorers is the final conference of the Erasmus+ project UrbEX. The multidisciplinary symposium will discuss and promote urban exploration as a methodology for empowering youths, overcoming their vulnerabilities and fostering their engagement in community life.
The H2020 Rise project Cocreation ended its activity in summer 2022. After a long break due to Covid-19 that disrupted heavily our plans to go back to Latin America to work with local communities and apply some of our participative methodologies, members of the Tesserae team attended the final conference in Oxford, England. Here we presented […]
Next 12 and 13 September will take place in Oxford the final conference of the H2020 Rise project Co-Creation. Tesserae will contribute with papers and film presentations deriving from our involvement in the project, including the case studies in the Südliche Friedrichstadt of Berlin and in Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Find here the program Download the program: Co_creation […]
Interdisciplinary Conference Oxford Brookes University 12-13 September 2022 Call for Contributions Co-Creation has become increasing popular in recent years as a concept, method and policy tool. A key factor in the rise of Co-Creation is its potential in breaking down boundaries, between different parts of the city, between different groups within cities, between different parts of […]
The 3rd UPPER policy conference, themed on Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Urban Policy and Social Inclusion, was held on 24-25 September 2021 in Latina & online. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are at the heart of the innovations imagined by the UPPER project to co-design Latina’s public green spaces with citizens in order to improve environmental […]