
Autorecupero ed autocostruzione dei beni comuni

Autorecupero ed autocostruzione dei beni comuni

Recruited as ad hoc expert for the URBACT Civic E-State project, Tesserae senior researcher Lorenzo Tripodi was commissioned to lead a study on the practices of community-led self construction and renovation of buildings (“autorecupero and autocostruzione” ), as practiced in recent decades in Italy. The consequent report presenting the results of this study is published here.

Autorecupero dei Beni Comuni

Autorecupero dei Beni Comuni

English version below Autorecupero dei Beni Comuni Martedi 30 Marzo 2021, h. 17 seminario online La pratica dell’ autogestione dei beni comuni si rivela essenziale per riattivare territori e contrastare la diseguaglianza. L’ auto-costruzione da parte dei cittadini fornisce un modello efficace ed economico con cui recuperare o costruire ex-novo risorse sul territorio, ma allo stato attuale nelle […]

Intorni. Spazi e pratiche della partecipazione

Intorni. Spazi e pratiche della partecipazione

English below Conferenza online Sabato 31 Ottobre 2020, h.17 La prima policy conference della serie promessa dal progetto UIA UPPER si interessa allo spazio della partecipazione. Gerarchie di ruoli e posizioni di potere consolidate sono scolpiti più rigidamente di quanto pensiamo nella dimensione spaziale. La rinnovata attenzione alla coproduzione di visioni e soluzioni per la […]

Collaborative Atlases for Heritage and the Commons

Collaborative Atlases for Heritage and the Commons

A training program on participative methods The training is aimed at social practitioners, civil servants and active citizens interested in improving their professional capacity with innovative instruments of analysis and representation.  It will present and test a set of tools and methods aimed to facilitate participatory processes, with a focus on cultural heritage as factor […]

Museu da Maré – Rio de Janeiro

Museu da Maré – Rio de Janeiro

Maré (or Complexo da Maré), in the northern periphery of Rio de Janeiro, is a complex of several favelas with 130.000 inhabitants stacked on 10 The Museu da Maré was created by popular initiative to reclaim and de-stigmatise the identity of the neighbourhood. Tesserae researchers had the chance to visit the place and get in contact with the promoters thanks to the CoCreation project.



Starting from an urban gardening project, the experience of Prinzessinnengarten extended to a wide range of innovative practices, political stances and networking activities fostering a DIY integrated approach. Since 2020, the gardens occupy two distinct areas, both organized on principles of self-sufficiency, food-independence and social inclusivity: the original site located in Moritzplatz (Berlin-Kreuztberg) and the recent acquisition of San Jacobi cemetery (Berlin-Neukölln). The Prinzessinnengarten project promotes gardening as a practice of community building and social emancipation from urban neo-liberal dynamics, while also offering its visitors and members a wide range of cultural and educational activities aimed at sharing different forms of knowledge and skills and at raising consciousness on current ecological issues and social challenges.

European Commons Assembly

European Commons Assembly

On  November 15 2016  we were invited to attend the first European Commons Assembly in Brussels. This has been a great opportunity to meet people that from different perspectives, practices and political approaches understand the commons as an essential battlefield for a more sustainable and just society. You can read here Laura Colini’s notes for the URBACT website.