
COMENSI  Digital atlases for community engagement

COMENSI  Digital atlases for community engagement

Final multiplier event 10 December 2020, 3pm In December 2020 the COMENSI project comes to a closure. Community Engagement for Social Inclusion is an EU funded Erasmus+ project aimed at developing more effective methodologies of inclusion and activation of citizens at risk of exclusion. COMENSI  developed and tested  accessible tools and methods for communication, networking […]

COMENSI final events

COMENSI final events

Deutsch weiter unten In December 2020 the COMENSI project comes to a closure. Community Engagement for Social Inclusion is an EU funded Erasmus+ project aimed at developing more effective methodologies of inclusion and activation of citizens at risk of exclusion. COMENSI  developed and tested  accessible tools and methods for communication, networking and organising to improve […]



WHERE AND WHEN? Mildmay, Islington, London, UK. From 2018. Involvement in the Comensi  project. WHAT’S GOING ON? Mildmay has recently become a preferential target for real estate investment, and it has seen a rapid increase in the number of affluent peope decidig to move in the ward. The new inbalance between housing supply and demand has broght […]



The Bairro Ajuda is one of the 25 local municipalities/parishes that constitute the city of Lisbon, belonging to the Western Zone of the capital, with 2.88 km² of area and 15 617 inhabitants.