collaborative housing

New Right to Housing Platform and Conference Recordings

New Right to Housing Platform and Conference Recordings

The Cities Engaging in the Right to Housing project has launched a new website to promote exchanges between cities and connections with strategic players at national and EU levels on the theme of housing rights. The website also provides access to the project’s research and case studies, including information on collaborative and non-market oriented housing schemes, community land […]

How can cities build alternative community-led housing models?

How can cities build alternative community-led housing models?

As part of a one-year learning activity, URBACT and UIA organised a web conference on 24 April exploring practical ways cities can implement the right to housing. Tesserae’s senior researcher Laura Colini moderated the discussion that contributes to the European Urban Agenda Parntership on housing and helps develop further policy recommendations to push the agenda on the right […]

UIA and URBACT joint initiative for the right to housing

UIA and URBACT joint initiative for the right to housing

On 30-31 January we were in Porto for the EU Cities Forum 2020, where Laura Colini  coordinated  the launch a new URBACT and UIA joint initiative on implementing the right to housing across urban areas in Europe.  Throughout 2020, URBACT and UIA’s initiative will provide a platform for city administrations, civil society, research and practitioners to debate and exchange […]