Thi toolkit was designed to support the establishment of the INHUBS of the IN-HABIT project in four medium sized European cities, and provided the basis for the training of the local community activators.
Thi toolkit was designed to support the establishment of the INHUBS of the IN-HABIT project in four medium sized European cities, and provided the basis for the training of the local community activators.
In this article, we introduce the experience of the network of Museums of Memory and Resistance in Rio de Janeiro, presenting in particular the case of the Museo da Maré. Our encounter with such bottom-up cultural space derives from the involvement in the EU Marie Curie rise project CoCreation, which provided the opportunity to spend a few months researching in Rio de Janeiro with the aim of developing and testing co-creation methodologies in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
(In progress report) Between November 11th and 25th we have run the “Who Owns Kreuzberg” workshop at the FXHB Museum. This Urban Reconnaissance laboratory involved a group of activists and researchers in “mapping creativity and resistance” in Kreuzberg, with the aim to provide an insight into the complexities of urban transformations in the city and to […]
(Im)possible Complicities conference looked for ideas that come from practice and concrete engagement in distressed territorial contexts. We discussed the potential and pitfalls of co-creative projects with activists, artists and academics who share a constructive as much as critical view on the topic.
From August to September 2019, in the frame of the Co-creation EU H2020 project, Laura Colini did her secondment at UNAM University of Mexico City. During five weeks she lectured at the department of Social Studies, did field work for the case study about housing rights in CDMX, volunteered for documenting Internet in a Box project with […]
Mapping spaces of creativity and resistance An Urban Reconnaissance workshop with ogino:knauss Coordinated by Tesserae, Berlin In November 2019, media artists ogino:knauss and urban research practitioners Tesserae will lead ‘Who Owns Kreuzberg’, a workshop aimed at activists, artists and engaged citizens in Berlin exploring the complexities of urban transformations in the city and tools for […]
The registration to (Im)possible complicities. Cocreation, Coproduction, Cooptation is open. The draft program is online here. 60 places are available online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/impossible-complicities-tickets-60376403448. We set a symbolic fee of 10 Euro to discourage casual registrations. Please email us at info (at) tesserae.eu for any clarification or request. (Answer during next Easter holidays may be slow)
November 7-8 2018 we coordinated an URLab at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM, in Mexico City. It was organised in the framework of the Cocreation exchange program, and involved a large number of participants, mostly postgraduate students and professors from different faculties and disciplines. The workshop developed in two days, divided in two […]
You are welcome to send your research abstract to the conference (Im)possible Complicities: co-production, co-creation, cooptation organised by Tesserae next 23-24 May 2019 in Berlin. We welcome papers and artworks which address questions regarding: • The meaning of co-creation, co-production, co-optation • Co-creation and community engagement for what and for whom • The role of […]
From July 30 to August 5 the “Santa Marta Sem Fronteiras” cocreation workshop took place in Rio de Janeiro. Five days of activities and site visits in the Santa Marta favela involved more than 20 researchers from the partners organisations. Manuela Conti and Sergio Segoloni took part as representatives of Tesserae. The program coordinated by local community organisers and the […]