
ps wedding braucht Eure Unterstützung!

ps wedding braucht Eure Unterstützung!

We receive and publish this call for support for the ps wedding – project in Berlin ps wedding braucht Eure Unterstützung! Abriss des ehemaligen Diesterweg-Gymnasiums verhindern! Zur Erinnerung: Im letzten Sommer befanden wir uns mit unserem Vorhaben zur Umnutzung des ehemaligen Diesterweg-Gymnasiums, zur Schaffung von bezahlbarem Wohnraum und der Gründung eines Quartiers- und Nachbarschaftszentrums […]

(Im)possible Complicities: registration open

(Im)possible Complicities: registration open

The registration to (Im)possible complicities. Cocreation, Coproduction, Cooptation is open. The draft program is online here. 60 places are available online at We set a symbolic fee of 10 Euro to discourage casual registrations. Please email us at info (at) for any clarification or request. (Answer during next Easter holidays may be slow)



Forgotten for almost a decade, the complex of buildings that once constituted the offices for the administration of statistics under the old socialist regime came to the center of the public discourse as a symbol of an across-the-board struggle for the right to the city of Berlin. Civic society actors and public stakeholders joined their efforts to put the unconditional selling of publicly-owned buildings to a halt, stressing the need to replace the monetary principle with the pursuing of the societal common good. The professionalization of bottom-up forms of activism claiming space for culture and diversity transformed the Haus der Statistik initiative into a large-scale project. This currently aims at regenerating the buildings to benefit local neighborhoods, refugees and cultural producers alike through the implementation of participatory practices of urban development.

Switch On Mehringplatz 30.11.2017 @Bauhutte

Switch On Mehringplatz 30.11.2017 @Bauhutte

Switch On Mehringplatz – Closing discussion and book presentation Thursday November 30, 18h Bauhutte Südliche Friedrichstadt, Besselstraße 1, 10969 Berlin, Deutschland From October 2016 to July 2017 the Erasmus + program EULER has developed a series of laboratories in Mehringplatz and the Südliche Friedrichstadt investigating the potentiality of the neighbourhood, its history and current transformations. […]

Switch On Mehringplatz

Switch On Mehringplatz

This booklet is the final outcome of the training program developed in Berlin by Tesserae Urban Social Research within the EULER transnational exchange, a collaboration between organisations from Antwerp, Barcelona, London and Berlin. The aim of our programme was to promote participatory methodologies for social and entrepreneurial initiatives at the scale of the neighbourhood. This is one in a series of 6 brochures about the project EULER.



In 2012-1015 Laura Colini participated at IRS Leibnitz Institut in a research on Halle-Neustadt directed by Matthias Berndt and Daniel Först. This former East-German city has experienced two waves of privatization, leading to a complete change of ownership structures, marked by the rise of financial investors. Cuts have put increasing pressure on welfare recipients to live in […]

Learning from Context

Learning from Context

Building social competence from local knowledge 22-23 September 2017 Berlin, Aquarium Skalitzer Str. 6, 10999 Berlin Berlin DE   Traditional forms of education and training for employment are increasingly focused on chasing job market demand through specialisation. Meanwhile, a multiplicity of voluntary, self-organised, citizen-based initiatives is breaking new ground in experimenting with skills and competences. Local […]

Mehringplatz StoryLab #4 – Urban Sketches

Mehringplatz StoryLab #4 – Urban Sketches

A digital storytelling workshop dedicated to the production of personal narratives based on impressions and memories of Mehringplatz – Südliche Friedrichstadt.  Participants will be invited to follow their inclination or favourite languages employing writing, photography, video, music and sound, drawing, graphic design, performance etc. Professional technical notions or artistic competences are not necessary. The laboratory […]

Mehringplatz StoryLab #3 – Collecting Stories

Mehringplatz StoryLab #3 – Collecting Stories

How do we capture different voices of a community in a shared narrative framework? Next Mehringplatz StoryLab “Collecting Stories“ will take place Saturday April 22 at SUPERMARKT.  We will introduce a new tool, the Mehringplatz Card Set, to trigger the collection and recomposition of narratives about the neighbourhood. —— Saturday 22 April, 2pm SUPERMARKT, Mehringplatz 9 10969 […]