
Culture against diversity and inclusion – cuts in Berlin’s cultural scene

[ENGLISH VERSION BELOW] Kultur gegen Vielfalt und Inklusion – Kürzungen in der Berliner Kulturszene Liebe Berlin, ich habe dich geliebt und liebe dich noch immer aus tiefstem Herzen.Wie jede Liebe begann auch unsere mit einem Funken und einem Versprechen.Dem Versprechen, solidarisch und ungehorsam zu bleiben,Besonders in Zeiten des Krieges, besonders in Zeiten der Armut.Ich möchte […]

„Durch Unsere Augen“

„Durch Unsere Augen“

This film narrates the stories of a group of arab women living in the area of Mehringplatz. Between anecdotes, everyday activities, joyful encounters and reflections of the past and the future, these women open up to the camera, to each other and to the world

edu-city conference

edu-city conference

The EduCity conference looks at the potential of neighbourhoods as spaces for social engagement. It will present ideas and tools to explore the neighbourhood as an active site for mutual learning, innovation and capacity building. EduCity has a multidisciplinary and inclusive ambition and is open to researchers, practitioners, educators, civil servants and engaged citizens active in processes of social inclusion and community empowerment. The objective is to connect and provide tools to organisations and individuals who share an interest in the potential of neighbourhoods as learning environments.

Die Lause

Die Lause

The former glass factory located in Lausitzer Straße 10/11 in Berlin-Kreutzberg is a domestic community that best embodies the prototype of the so-called “Berlin mix”, whereby available spaces are equally distributed to allow for both their residential and commercial use.



Former railway depot located in the Berlin Moabit neighbourhood, now an artist/research residency and production site that turns global discourses into local practices.

URBEX workshops in Berlin

URBEX workshops in Berlin

English below Im Rahmen von URBEX finden am 13./14./20./21. Oktober 2022 jeweils ab 14 Uhr Workshops mit Jugendlichen zwischen 16 und 24 Jahren statt. In Zusammenarbeit mit den in Berlin aktiven Jugendorganisationen StreetUniverCity und Schlesische27 geht es für die Jugendlichen darum, den städtischen Raum zu erkunden und sich anzueignen. Dafür geht’s zunächst nach Kreuzberg und […]

ZUKUNFT am Ostkreuz – Bike Demo

ZUKUNFT am Ostkreuz – Bike Demo

  Fahrradkorso zu Pandion, International Campus und Trockland! Next Friday March 11th there will be a ‘bike demo’ against gentrification in Berlin’s Ostkreuz district, visiting some of the most critical sites of property speculation in Berlin along the way.  The itinerary will connect real estate companies that have gentrified the neighbourhood to the extreme and have given the starting signal for […]