
Culture against diversity and inclusion – cuts in Berlin’s cultural scene

[ENGLISH VERSION BELOW] Kultur gegen Vielfalt und Inklusion – Kürzungen in der Berliner Kulturszene Liebe Berlin, ich habe dich geliebt und liebe dich noch immer aus tiefstem Herzen.Wie jede Liebe begann auch unsere mit einem Funken und einem Versprechen.Dem Versprechen, solidarisch und ungehorsam zu bleiben,Besonders in Zeiten des Krieges, besonders in Zeiten der Armut.Ich möchte […]

Defend Lützerath!

Defend Lützerath!

Sunset in Lützerath. On the right, wind turbines built by RWE as compensation for their local lignite mine. On the left, a guard post built by the ZAD Rheinland. Tesserae researcher and activist Luis Miguel Benavides reports on his recent experiences at the ZAD Rheinland protest camp, a vital node of resistance in the fight against […]

In solidarity with Mimmo Lucano

In solidarity with Mimmo Lucano

Sign the letter here Tesserae is proud to support the campaign to free Domenico ‘Mimmo’ Lucano by republishing here the open letter calling for steps to be taken against the injustice that has been served against him. We invite you to sign the and to join the solidarity movement in support of the former Mayor […]

Save the Venere Biomeccanica – iconic symbol of creative urban resistance

Save the Venere Biomeccanica – iconic symbol of creative urban resistance

Florence, Italy: The iconic Venere Biomeccanica (Biomechanical Venus) sculpture is under threat of being removed as part of a larger regeneration project in the city. The 5-meter tall anthropomorphic statue is located in a former textile machine factory complex in the Rifredi neighbourhood of Florence. The sculpture was built by a group of activist artists who […]

Mehringplatz Anknipsen 2 – Nachbarschaftsatlas

Mehringplatz Anknipsen 2 – Nachbarschaftsatlas

(English below)  Digitaler Nachbarschaftsatlas der Südlichen Friedrichstadt – Workshopreihe Mehringplatz Anknipsen II – Du bist Bewohner*in der Südlichen Friedrichstadt / der Gegend um den Mehringplatz? Und du möchtest dich mehr mit lokalen Themen zur Nachbarschaft auseinandersetzen? Vielleicht bist du schon aktiv oder willst es werden… – dann werde Teil der Workshopreihe “Mehringplatz Anknipsen II”. Was ist […]

Mapping Creativity and Resistance in Kreuzberg

Mapping Creativity and Resistance in Kreuzberg

(In progress report) Between November 11th and 25th we have run the “Who Owns Kreuzberg” workshop at the FXHB Museum. This Urban Reconnaissance laboratory  involved a group of activists and researchers in “mapping creativity and resistance”  in Kreuzberg, with the aim to provide an insight into the complexities of urban transformations in the city and to […]

Emidio di Treviri School of territorial activism

Emidio di Treviri School of territorial activism

From October 18 -20 we attended the school of territorial activism. Located in Fornara, between the wonderful Laga and Sibillini mountains and organised by the Emidio di Treviri association, the school invited activists, researchers and inhabitants to discuss strategies for development and resistance in the areas affected by the recent earthquake and beyond. Emidio di Treviri […]



Mapping spaces of creativity and resistance An Urban Reconnaissance workshop with ogino:knauss Coordinated by Tesserae, Berlin In November 2019, media artists ogino:knauss and urban research practitioners Tesserae will lead ‘Who Owns Kreuzberg’, a workshop aimed at activists, artists and engaged citizens in Berlin exploring the complexities of urban transformations in the city and tools for […]