Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen! 2nd Workshop

2nd Workshop of our project “Erinnerung im Wandel – Zeig mir dein Hohenschönhausen!

On Friday 13th November, due to the current situation and the restrictions imposed in Germany, we were forced to hold our second workshop online. We therefore had to adapt the structure of the workshop and familiarise ourselves with the IT tools.

Previously to our meeting we had sent the participants their own photos.During our meeting, we first presented a summary of the discussions from the last workshop. The participants were asked to react using their photography. We then alternated pair and whole group discussions. Throughout the workshop the participants were asked to choose three or four photos that illustrated different aspects of the culture of remembrance in Hohenschönhausen. The results were very rich and sometimes unexpected. For example, we – as Tesserae’s team – were surprised to see how important the nature played a role in the culture of remembrance in this neighboohood. Many other places/memorial/objects/ were discussed passionately among the participants, showing the complexity and exhaustiveness of the thematic in Hohenschönhausen.Following the workshop discussions, a final contribution was requested from the participants: They were invited to select three of their photos and to attach a short explanatory text for each one answering to the question: How does this place/memorial/nature/object/other contribute to the culture of remembrance in Hohenschönhausen for you?
The results will then be collected and put in the form of a digital guided tour. Stay tuned as we will be able to share them with you very soon!

30 Nov , 2020 - Category:

Berlin · neighbourhood · workshop

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