URBinclusion final outcomes

In August 2019 the URBACT Implementation Network URBinclusion closed its activities.Tesserae contributed with the Lead Expert Lorenzo Tripodi in delivering the final outcomes of this network of cities dedicated to combating poverty in deprived urban areas. URBinclusion was aimed at the co-creation of new solutions to reduce poverty in deprived urban areas, focusing on some key challenges to be tackled when going from the strategic to the implementation dimension: integrated approach and inter-departmental coordination, involvement of local stakeholders, monitoring and evaluation and financial innovation. Partners cities interchange showed that this requires integrated, cyclical and monitored processes made of recursive actions and feedbacks that produces stable conditions of engagement for continuous improvement. The main learnings of the knowledge exchange about implementing integrated actions have been summarised in the “URBinclusion Manifesto” and in a set of “Hint & Tips“.

Find more about the elaboration of the manifesto in this article by Lorenzo Tripodi and Anamaria Vrabie.

17 Set , 2019 - Category:

deprived neighbourhoods · urbact · URBinclusion

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