

 Taking the stance from three main focuses – the neighbourhood as a learning space, gaming and storytelling for education, and inclusion of vulnerable youths, we welcome paper proposals addressing questions and topic such as:

  • How to increase the capacities of young people to learn from the urban environment
  • Spatial exploration as emancipatory practice
  • Empowering local communities through youth participation
  • Tools and methods for youth’s engagement
  • Fighting segregation, school drop-out and unemployment
  • Design thinking approaches and co-creation
  • Inclusion of migrant and refugees through urban exploratory practice
  • Community narratives and storytelling 

The UrbEXplorers conference has a wide multidisciplinary and inclusive ambition. It aims at creating a dialogue between professionals working with youths and researchers, activists and civil servants moving on similar fields. One session will be dedicated to present the results of the UrbEX project, including the UrbEX Handbook and Toolkit.  The conference will also be the occasion to launch a network of youth organisations interested in developing spatial practice with innovative methods.

The conference will be held in Berlin Kreuzberg, and will include practical explorations and field activities. It will have a practice-oriented approach, favouring presentations of concrete experiences and tools rather than purely theoretical papers. We encourage non-strictly academic formats, video, poetry and different formats, with preferably interactive presentations.

Proposals are received at info@tesserae.eu with an abstract of 400 words max, short CV and affiliation.

Deadline 5th June  2023.

Please feel free to disseminate this call through your networks and to anyone that may be interested.

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