Urban Reconnaissance Workshop at UNAM, Mexico City

November 7-8 2018 we coordinated an URLab at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM, in Mexico City. It was organised in the framework of the Cocreation exchange program, and involved a large number of participants, mostly postgraduate students and professors from different faculties and disciplines. The workshop developed in two days, divided in two sessions of two hours each. Participants had mostly post graduate level, coming from wide a range of disciplines and interests. Given the limited time and the great number of participants, the laboratory was mostly dedicated to introduce the methodology and develop a collective reflection on the general metropolitan (or rather megapolitan) identity of Mexico City. The outcomes of the discussion are in course of publication in the Urban Reconnaissance blog.

14 Nov , 2018 - Category:

cocreation · Mexico · urban reconnaissance · workshop

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