UIA and URBACT joint initiative for the right to housing

On 30-31 January we were in Porto for the EU Cities Forum 2020, where Laura Colini  coordinated  the launch a new URBACT and UIA joint initiative on implementing the right to housing across urban areas in Europe.  Throughout 2020, URBACT and UIA’s initiative will provide a platform for city administrations, civil society, research and practitioners to debate and exchange around key topics, strategies and practices for implementing the right to housing in cities.

Participants at the launch event heard about a number of inspiring practices already in place across Europe  as well as from other actors who will be valuable contributors to the joint initiative over the year to come, including the EU Urban Agenda partnership on housing,  FEANTSA, Housing Europe and the European Investment Bank. A series of webinars and more digital outputs are planned on the following themes:


  • 24 April 2020 – Community-led practices: cooperative, co-housing and CLT practice
  • 26 June 2020 – No one left behind: addressing specific issues of accessibility to adequate housing by vulnerable groups.
  • 6 November 2020 -Fair finance : municipal strategies protecting housing from speculation.

To receive more information and get involved, click here.


Read more on UIA Website

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