U-RISE Master in Barcelona – UIA BMINCOME

From 8-11 may in Barcelona, Tesserae organised a teaching module for the Master U-RISE at the IUAV in Venice within the frame of the EU UIA BMINCOME pilot project.

The pilot is a unique experiment combining passive and active policies to fight poverties in the peripheries of Barcelona. A municipal Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) is provided to a selected group of welfare recipients according to different modalities, combining GMI with policies of training and jobs, creation of solidarity, cooperative economies, support to housing and community organising.

The students spent 4 days full immersion in the neighbourhoods targeted by the pilots, meeting local NGOs, cooperatives, representatives of the Barcelona municipality leading the pilot, the University research group at UAB/IGOP member of the BMINCOME partnerships and a range of other actors. The  teaching scope was to plunge students in the reality of implementation of the EU UIA BMINCOME pilot relating this to urban plans and programmes led by the Muncipality of Barcelona in the north east area of the city called Eix Besos.  A critical analysis has been encouraged through working in a group exercise designed by Tesserae. We thanks all participants and speakers for their commitment, for sharing their reflections and energies during the four days and EU UIA for supporting this first-time UIA model of dissemination.

Find here the 2019-may_Programme URISE in Barcelona


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