U-Rise Master Thesis

For the second year the collaboration  with the U-Rise Master in Urban Regeneration and Social Innovation of the University of Venice resulted in a group of students spending  three months in Berlin doing an internship at Tesserae. We are pleased to have supported Chiara De Grandi, Cinzia D’Emidio and Ermes Invernizzi in the elaboration of three brilliant Master thesis that were successfully discussed last month in Venice. We are confident that their research projects will find productive follow-ups within their career and hopefully to continue our collaboration with them.


Chiara De Grandi:  “Reti di relazioni per rigenerare la città. L’infrastruttura sociale per la co-creazione e la cittadinanza attiva a Latina” Chiara De Grandi – abstract

Ermes Invernizzi:  “O.L.S.O. (Oltre Lo Sguardo Oltre) Monumenti del colonialismo in Italia come strumenti di civitas”

Cinzia D’Emidio: “Co-Design, Publishing e Rigenerazione Urbana. Il progetto di una redazione nomade e di un centro culturale indipendente”

20 Mar , 2019 - Category:

U-Rise · urban regeneration

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