10 years of Tesserae. Dialogues project

Ten years of Tesserae in ten conversations (+1)

To celebrate ten years of Tesserae, and to look forward into the next decade of our work, we are launching the ‘Tesserae Dialogues’ web series. Starting in December 2021, Tesserae will host a series of monthly online conversations with ten activists, researchers and policy experts who have served as essential reference points for our work. Together, we will discussing the state of international urban policies and politics exploring some projects, ideas and works that have marked Tesserae’s ten year journey. The conversations will be streamed every second Tuesday of the month until November 2021. We are excited to think ahed to this journey which will be concluded with a book with the inputs and reflections collected.

November 26, 2021 h.20:00 CET
Tesserae dialogues launch event: conversation with Tesserae Co-founders. Facilitation: Ben Sassen

December 14, 2021 h.20:00 CET
Prof. Michael Edwards, The Bartlett School of Planning- UCL London UK / INURA.
The Just City: community led planning, networking action, research and policy making.
Register here to the online event.

January 25, 2022 h.21:00 CET
Dr. Ivàn Tosics of Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest HU, EU URBACT Programme Expert.
The EU urban dimension, policy integration and the new funding period.

February 15, 2022 h.21:00 CET
Prof. Francesco Careri, University of Rome and Lorenzo Romito, both co-founder of Stalker collective, Rome IT.
Urban walkscapes, art and social inclusion.

March 15, 2022 h.21:00 CET
Prof. Marina Della Giusta of University of Reading.
Gender landscapes, diversity, equity and inclusion.

April 12, 2022 h.21:00 CET
MetroZones -Zentrum für städtische Angelegenheiten
Berlin, art, politics and urban education. (title tbd)

May 10, 2022 h.21:00 CET
Dr Thomas Lacroix, research fellow at CNRS, Paris FR & Filippo Furri, Migreurop Association Paris FR and MiMetis Social enterprise on inclusion of migrants and refugees, Siena IT
The role of local authorities in inclusion of migrants and refugees in Europe

June 14, 2022 h.21:00 CET
Mark Saunders of Spectacle productions, London UK
Participative video making, storytelling for inclusion, media and community.

(#9-10 speakers still to be confirmed; topics Housing policies and Climate change)

25 Nov , 2021 - Category:

dialogues · urban studies

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