Switch On Mehringplatz

Report of EULER local activitis in Berlin

EULER is an Erasmus+ project that took place from 2015 to 2017 in Antwerp, Barcelona, Berlin and London. It aimed to contribute to the development of cities by harnessing the skills, competences and capacities of local people.

This report about the local activities in Berlin is structured into three parts.

In the first one we outline the general features of the neighbourhood selected for the application of our methodology and the reasons why it was considered a fertile ground for our territorial laboratories. In the second one we present the calendar of training activities that have taken place. The modules correspond to the structure of the methodological toolset that we have specifically assembled for this programme. The third one shortly introduces the concept of an online neighbourhood atlas of which a prototype was designed as an experimental outcome of our activities.

26 Ott , 2017 - Category:

Berlin · EULER · Mehringplatz · neighbourhood


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